Promises Made, Promises Kept. Republicans Cheer!

by Noah
"...a betrayal of decency...The man doesn't understand pain or suffering of others. He can't comprehend anyone else's feelings...We have no law and order."
-Craig Sicknick, reacting to news of Traitor Trump pardoning the murderers of his brother, Officer Brian Sicknick by the Republican J6 mob.
On Tuesday I alluded to Traitor Trump pardoning his violent J6 militia freaks as he had promised to do throughout his campaign. I also threw in the phrase standing by, not just as a reminder of his "stand back and stand by" statement from his 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton but as a statement as to why he is pardoning them for their role in his J6 attempted coup. Clearly, he was telling his militia team to be ready for his next "fight like hell" signal. At the very least, he knows that they can be used to stir up enough violence to give him an easier excuse to declare martial law and call in the U.S. military to do what only naive fools and idiots think he isn't intending.
The people Traitor Trump has pardoned maimed and wounded over 140 police officers who were defending not just the lives of the politicians and others who work in the Capitol Building but the structure of the nation itself. Their actions resulted in broken bones, gouged out eyeballs and the deaths of 5 officers of the law. Republicans call J6 a "day of love" and they call the killers "tourists." Congresspersons who assisted in the planning of the coup attempt have, due to the connivance and cowardice of Merrick Garland, never faced justice nor will they, which is probably the worst case of what I always call Washington protecting its own that we have ever seen, so far. Emphasis, so far. Yeah, protecting its own is one of the few times we get to see bipartisanship. I suppose I could also mention the bribe taking but as an astute commenter often points out, I like to write with focus.
There's another reason though why Dear Domestic Terror Leader Trump has pardoned so many of the worst among us just like there was a reason he announced his candidacy in Waco, Texas. He is encouraging his supporters to indulge in the Republican Party extremist violence brand. It's a kind of tack that all dictators take. Pardoning so many of our most heinous criminals sends a message and that message is that anyone acting in the service of the dictator or his cohorts can do whatever they want, knowing that they will never be punished. In fact, they will be encouraged to do more in his service. "Stand back, and stand by."
Addendum 1: Can we please stop referring to MAGA and Republicanism as if they are two different things? They are not. 77,000,000 Trump Traitors saw exactly what happened on J6 and knew these pardons and so much more were coming and they vehemently voiced their approval when they voted for this crap.
Addendum 2: Think of the wives, girlfriends, and children who turned in some of these "tourists" that Traitor Trump has just set free. One son of a violent Republican coup participant, has already announced that he has bought a gun to protect himself from his lunatic father. My, my, that oughta make some repugs feel at least a little conflicted, right?
Addendum 3: There have been totally believable reports of talk among some Republicans about inviting some of the released leaders of the coup to the Trump Inaugural Ball where they could mix and mingle with the likes of Lindsey Graham, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Tommy Tubervile, and any one of a number of FOX "News" luminaries and other freaks. Lauren Boebert has also reportedly invited members of the newly released mob on a tour of the halls and offices they defiled, not just with their violence but with their own human waste. Fortunately, the release of these violent traitors could not be processed in time for the big GOP dance but these people are heroes to Republicans everywhere and they will have plenty of similar opportunities. You will see them on FOX, Newsmax, Russian Television, and plenty of other places. Sooner or later, some will enter Republican Party primaries and win. Also sooner or later, we will hear of continued violent criminal activity from these people. Violence from the kind of person who will storm the Capitol and attack police with the intent to kill is not a one-off.
Crapper, The writers we read here have track records of being out in the world doing whatever they can. Again, what do YOU do other than sit at your computer all day jerking off to the fantasy that you're smarter than everybody else? I feel bad for anyone who has remained close to you having to hear you tell them how smart you are and how dumb they are every 5 minutes. It's pathetic how you try to convince yourself everyone else of that by chanting it in the comment section while you tell us all how "dumber than shit" we are. The more you do it, the more you show us your insecurities and doubts that it's true.