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Midnight Meme Of The Day! When Did The Diaper Don Decide He Was Orange?

by Noah

I've always wondered when it was that Trump made the decision to be an orange person. Was it the same time that every woman in Mar-a-Lago decided to get an over the top boob job or do the collagen in the lips OD thing? To the point where they all look like cartoon duck people?

And what was the reason? He decided he'd rather actually look like the total freak that he is than just look older? He couldn't just grow a beard? Was it just the first sign of his dementia? It couldn't have been the first sign of his psychosis. That appears to have appeared in his childhood.

Ya know, maybe he just thought his 74,000,000 voters could relate to him better this way. After all, freaks like freaks.   


1 Comment

Aug 05

the shocking visage distracts from the fetid stench.

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