by Noah
Today is Veterans Day even if Republicans want you to stay asleep and forget why those who served, those who were wounded, and those who died sacrificed so much. 276,655 of our military were killed fighting Nazi Germany. Roughly double that number died fighting Japan. Several times that were wounded in more ways than one.
If Trump and his followers aren't stopped, how many will die then? There's no telling, but historical figures like Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hirohito, and Hussein offer us a clue.
And while we await accountability for virtually the entire Republican Party, we have an Attorney General who seems unfamiliar with the words treason, arrest, jail, and trial.
let us not forget also that the democraps have steadfastly refused to stand up against any of this. the names garland and holder should be synonymous with 'bupkus'.. or quisling or chamberlain. The latter two helped enable the monsters that took those half mil or so deaths to stop.
and don't forget that trump enabled the deaths of 700k americans by doing LESS THAN "merrick garland" about the pandemic.
and democraps were coconspirators in sending a few thousand more to their deaths and scores of thousands to be maimed for no reason whatsoever except the imperial ambitions of a cabal of nazis (to whit: PNAC).
We need to be mindful of the numbers. Especially the numbers attributable to Trump in just one year, as compared to the numbers racked up in four years in World War II.