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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! If Alito Doesn't Play By The Rules, Why Should We?

Lowlifes Like Alito Set A Bad Example

by Noah

Of course Alito, known for consulting with his 17th century witch-burning and wife-rape pals, is telling American women exactly what they can and can't do with their bodies. That's exactly what that oiled up brain damaged pig from Texas named Dubya chose to nominate him for and that's what any $enator of any party voted for in the confirmation process. And, oh, should I mention the idiocracy type voters who voted for those $enators and/or Dubya? It's also what the stay at homes voted for. What Alito is doing to us all now was set in motion by the low IQ voters and non-voters of decades ago.


So here we have Samuel Alito, who is either the real Chief Justice or is taking directions from the clown that has the title, operating as an authoritarian dictator who wants his buddy Traitor Don to be the face of how he sees our government should be. Hey, that's just how I see it.

You know what else I see? I see a pathetic go along to get along Dick Durbin, the milquetoast Chairman of the $enate Judiciary Committee, asking Alito to recuse himself from cases that involve Donald Trump, aka his co-conspirator. Gee, what a shocker that Alito said no just like Clarence Sale Thomas always does! I bet ol' useless Dick was "Shocked and appalled." The logical next step, no, excuse me, the logical step that should have already been taken long ago, is a full blown warts & all investigation into the corruption of the federal courts, including the more than possible acts of treason by multiple members of the Supreme Court. Like I've said many times, even as recently as two or three days ago, we can't impeach these so-called justices but a no holds barred investigation would go a long way towards showing Americans just how filthy these people are while they hide behind their robes and their lifetime tenures.


3 comentários

01 de jun.

ah, a new insult... maybe he imagines a facility in russia?

just proves my point about americans. if you just refuse to do better... insult the one(s) who tell you the truth.

The nazis have been using that tactic for over a century.

I'm gonna help yous here... no charge. If you want me to stfu about your evil (gaza) corrupt pussy party... quit bitching about the Cassandras and ... FUCKING FIX IT!!


31 de mai.

Be careful Guestcrapper, you wouldn't want the orderlies where you live to take you computer privileges away.


31 de mai.

Yeah, naming pussies (Durbin) won't help. If you named them all you'd end up naming ... the whole party.

Might as well give it a rest. If you're never going to elect a party that would do anything, it's pointless to complain about the inevitable results. It's almost like y'all WANT to elect shit so yous can complain about the stink.

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