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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Who Would Want To Be Trump's Diaper Butler?

by Noah

Forget having to be the person who always has to clean up the plates and ketchup bottles always being thrown against the wall by America's oldest and most dangerous toddler. That job's bad enough, with or without the smells and gibberish filled screaming. Someday in the future, some former Mar-a-Lago or White House employee will go public with the stories, or, "Lordy I hope there are tapes!" Someday, we may learn that there really is a Diaper Butler that follows The Diaper Don around just like the military guy who follows every president around with the "Nuclear Football" that contains the nuke codes. Would it shock you if The Diaper Don has a Diaper Butler? It wouldn't shock me at all. I just hope I live long enough to hear the tale. I also hope that anyone who's Trump's Diaper Butler gets all the PTSD treatment they will be needing, even if it's Stephen Miller or Aileen Cannon.

Meanwhile, below @JoJoFromJerz has beautifully described the goings on as they no doubt are. Give yourselves a treat and read on. Happy weekend everybody (Well, not really everybody).



Aug 09

you should sign up that jojofromjerz as a guest poster asap.

Aug 09
Replying to

JoJofromJerz has been way too big and way too busy for a long time so I doubt she has the time. Her TV stuff by itself would prevent it but I'm glad DWT quotes her as often as they do.

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