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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Trump Launches Desperate Racist Appeal To Republican Voters

Grand Wizard Donnie Visits The NABJ!

by Noah

Seeking to remind his party why they voted for him in the first place, on Tuesday Traitor Don made an appearance at a meeting at the National Association of Black Journalists and wasted no time in doubling down on his racist bonafides. Journalist Rachel Scott was ready for the GOP's current Grand Wizard as he sat there pickled in Old Spice in his usual blue rubber suit. Here's her first question:

Sir... You have pushed false claims about some of your rivals, from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama, saying they were not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four Congresswomen, women of color, who were American citizens, to go back to where they came from. You have used words like 'animal' and 'rabid' to describe black District Attorneys. You've attacked black journalists, calling them a 'loser,' saying the questions that they ask are 'stupid and racist.' You've had dinner with a white supremacist at your Mar-a-Lago resort. So, my question, sir, now that you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that?

As any normal person would expect, America's #1 Total Freak, Grand Wizard Donnie, immediately went into his typical puke-o-matic moan and bitch mode that came out as childish to say the least. He began with a griping indignant, "First of all, I don't think I've been asked a question in so, in such a horrible manner... very rude... very nasty question... I have been the best president for the black population since Abraham Lincoln." All that was missing was a rattle to throw from his crib. Too bad the NABJ hadn't supplied him with some ketchup bottles. He complained that Ms. Scott wasn't showing him enough respect and that her employer, ABC News, is "Fake" News, etc, etc, "I love the black population, blah, blah...wink wink" all the usual. He went on to say his opponent Vice President Kamala Harris didn't used to be black but only recently "turned black," saying:

She was always of Indian heritage, and she was always only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black. So, I don't know. Is she Indian or is she Black?

She recently turned blackRachel Scott countered by pointing out that VP Harris went to all black Howard University and is a member of America's top black sorority. Hmmm, I guess she's been identifying as black for quite a while not to mention that she's always been open about her Black (father) and Indian (mother) mixed heritage. How could she not since, well, you know, her life has been looked into in detail for a very long time. And, damn, Donnie, she's been black longer than you've been orange, years longer, decades longer, all her life, in fact.

Trump has a problem with black women or just about any woman in authority. Who knew? And Rachel Scott didn't fawn all over him. In short, Rachel Scott was firm in her questions and didn't back down like pathetic, kiss-ass assclowns with names like Blitzer and Tapper always do. The ones at FOX-Pravda were even worse. They've spent the last two days spinning the whole affair like whirling dervishes at a madhouse with avowed racists like Sean Hannity, Ilsa Ingraham, and oh so special guest $enator Tom Cotton telling viewers that their Dear Leader "nailed it." "Great Appearance, Donnie!" and all that. Funny thing, though, Dear Leader's handlers thought the interview at the NABJ was going so badly and off the rails that they abruptly pulled him out after just 34 minutes. They thought it was going poorly, or so they say, but Trump got his message out there to his over 70,000,000 voters. Mission accomplished. He's still got it when it comes to his birtherism and over 50 years of being a racist in public. He got his message out and republican voters can rest happy and completely assured. He is them and they are he. This is how he does it, folks. 


1 Comment

Aug 02
  1. and your side refuses to put THAT in prison for treason and insurrection!

  2. and your side already lost to THAT once and is teetering on the brink of losing to THAT again!

If your side can't beat THAT by 20 points in a fair election, maybe there is something very wrong with YOUR SIDE!

note: if 80 million white nazis will vote for THAT, there will be 160 million eligible voters who will NOT vote for nazis. And you still struggle to poll a point or two over THAT!

just the facts for you to ponder.

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