Trump Has An Al Campanis Moment X10

by Noah
I keep getting emails from Traitor Trump and the RNC asking me to grade his new administration. What am I supposed to do, send him a bail of elephant dung? Maybe one to the White House and one to Mar-a-Lago? The real grade should come in the form of impeachment papers from Democrats in both congressional houses. Instead we get soft-spoken wimpie-poo statements from Chuckie Useless. Remember when we thought Brooklyn guys were tough? Then there's the billionaire owned and operated Roberts court and the Trump acolytes on the Nazi sides of the congressional aisles. "Expect nothing, Jake. It's Washington." Soon to be renamed The District of Trump, no doubt.
Since the election of the Number One Threat To America's Existence on November 5th, so many Americans that can easily fit into the sentient category have been asking how so many people (77,000,000) could vote for him. Well, the answer is obvious. It's staring us right in the face; the 77,000,000 absolutely love what he and his party stand for. As a case in point, America's Number One Orange Blob Of Talking Puss went before the White House microphones on Thursday to give some remarks about the tragic air collision that killed 67 people at Reagan International Airport Wednesday Night. A decent human being would have offered words of caring and consolation to the families of the victims and the country. That's what a leader who isn't a psychopath does. Instead, Trump channeled his supporters and chose a new low, offering nothing but blame in a form that goes a long way in answering the question posed in the first sentence of this paragraph. He used the opportunity to express some of the many biggotries that define what it means to be a Republican. Consider it an early valentine from Trump to his like-hearted voters. Below are some excerpts from the comments of the total psychopath that the GOP chose of their own free will to run for the office of president and just under half of American voters went right along. Trump has a way of expressing what they think and they love him for it. As they will often tell you, "He speaks his mind" and obviously theirs, too. It's human nature to gravitate to people who share your views and that's exactly what his voters did on the now infamous date of 11/5.
Early on in Thursday comments to the nation, GOP Dear Leader just went for it, blaming the horrific crash on DEI hires. He once again proved his psychopathy by just seeing the dead as something to be used. Without any investigation, he boiled the catastrophe down to DEI people, ie. "others," be they women, brown, black, trans, or whatever, being afflicted with some sort of natural "lack of brain power." Give it time and republicans will soon start calling for skull measurements. His Mr. Apartheid buddy, Elon Musk, has probably already suggested it. If not him, It could be Stephen Miller or anyone on the White House staff. A revealing dialog with the reporters in the room ensued:
1. Reporter to Trump: "Are you saying this crash was somehow caused and the result of diversity hiring? And what evidence have you seen to support these claims?" Trump replied without offering any evidence, "It just could have been," said Trump, offering no evidence. "We have a high standard. We've had a much higher standard than anybody else and there are things where you have to go by brain power." That was Trump's Al Campanis moment. Al Campanis was the former General Manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers who when asked way back in 1987 about the question of why there were so few African-American field managers and no general managers at the MLB level replied on Ted Koppel's national TV program that "They might not have some of the necessities" and dug himself into an even deeper hole when Koppel gave him multiple opportunities to clarify his comments. Campanis lasted all of two more days in his job. Trump is still in his and actually came right out and said "brain power" rather than a cheap euphemism. Of course he did. He knows what his voters want to hear.
Like Campanis, Trump proceeded to make it worse the more he talked because that's what Trump does. He doubled down on his bigotry, turning the horrific tragedy into a campaign speech and proving that psychopaths have no boundaries.
2. Second reporter to Trump: "What plan do you have? Are we going to see some fired? Are you going to fire some of those diversity hires in the federal government? What plan do you have?" To this, Trump replied, "I would say the answer is yes if we find that people aren't mentally competent. You see the language. The language is put out by them and if you see that— I'm not going to bore you by reading it again but these are not people that should be doing this particular job. They'd be very good for certain jobs but not people that should be doing this particular job."
Right, got it, Donnie. Them thar diversity kind of people are good for some jobs but not ones that require real "brain power." You know like landscaping, polishing shoes, or being a mail order bride from Slovenia.
The fact is we need more air traffic control people not less because the amount of air traffic keeps growing. In fact, it's growing right past all human capability to keep an eye on everything at once. Laying off perfectly competent, hard working traffic controllers because of their ancestry, skin tone, gender, or sexual orientation should never factor in one iota but, the conservative mind, the kind of mind that just might be more likely to be impaired in some way, is prone to create a situation where watching those control tower screens is like trying to follow the shells or cards in a three card monte street game. Kinda reminds me of when rail derailment disasters spill toxic chemicals all over a town because the railroad companies decide to save money by laying off maintenance people or not making flagged repairs to save money or insurance companies denying claims so the people who trusted them can just die.
A last point or three for today: I'm pretty sure it didn't comfort any of those who lost loved ones in the crash when President Syphilis Brain blamed DEI hires but by the way, as it turns out, both pilots in the disaster were white males despite the numerous claims on right wing social media that the copter pilot was a trans person. Knowing the intelligence level of your typical Republican, I guess we should be thankful that Trans World Airways went OOB years ago. And there are now reports in legit media that one person in the tower that night was being tasked with doing two jobs.
OK, now ponder the reality that republicans can decry the idea of DEI hires while applauding The Diaper Don's cabinet picks.
The wheels are coming off the clown car fast as hell. And hell is before us, closer day by day. It’s only been two weeks. A whirlwind.