... And The People They Own!

by Noah
And as usual, the media whores have once again availed themselves of the opportunity to talk about things they either know little or nothing about or do know but are "just following orders" and not going too deep as it were. Sure, investigative reporting is all but dead in this era but it's not just laziness. Too many times, the talking heads barely even speak the same language of the people they cover or bother to learn it, but who cares, right? It's programming, dramatic programming, emotional response inducing programming that has all the appearances of a tightrope walker walking high above the protesters with a full bucket of sloshing kerosene on each end of their balance pole splashing on the situation below. The approach is something akin to what I've seen in every corporation I've ever worked for, ie. a bunch of red-nosed assclowns sitting around a table going, "This is fucked up. How can we fuck it up some more." And make more cash while doing it, of course. They always somehow convince themselves that they're doing the right thing but that's just a reflection of the limits of the intelligence of our atrophying species.
In the case of the current protesting going on on our college campuses, it's too much media time spent trying and succeeding on riling up the emotions of the viewers and listeners as a distraction and too little time spent on the intricacies of the issues that have got the students protesting in the first place. What coverage of that there is seems to be usually reduced to, you guessed it, a few simplistic buzzword phrases from or about the protests followed by, "We'll be right back after a few buzzword phrases from our sponsors." It would be more honest if the cameras cut back to the talking head-MCs after the commercial break to show that a couple of extra hastily placed $100 bills are inadvertently sticking out of their pockets. The money to do coverage correctly exists but it's deliberately spent in the opposite direction at the behest of the puppetmasters.
What a shocker, eh? Surprise, surprise! Those who stand to benefit from the chaos love this. You want "outside agitators? I got your outside agitators right here and they're certainly not the ones that political asswipes like New York's mayor or that insane Texas governor want you to see. We have billionaire Nazis not just calling the media shots but also constantly threatening to stop their donations to the colleges and get the college presidents fired unless they come down hard on the protesters; no matter which protesters they are and that's a deliberate fanning of the flames. That's all part of the political battle against so-called "woke campuses" you see in Congress. The "men behind the curtain" fear protesters might actually call more attention than they'd like on the actual causes of the horrors in Israel and Gaza and their own particular roles in it. There's a military-industrial complex and a bunch of real estate developers to be pleased and protected. Ergo, it becomes a "Look over there at those damn protesters. Don't look at or into the real issues and who or what caused them!" Just like the Nazi-lover billionaires want bought and paid for authoritarian presidents and premiers leading every country in the world, they want bought and paid for authoritarian presidents running our universities stifling dissent and ensuring that college campuses will be nothing but sheep farms full of nice docile sheep providing nice thick wool to keep billionaires and their political tools feeling all nice and toasty and fuzzy inside. It's all part and parcel of the same thing. It's all a world view and "Damn those protesters, they could ruin everything! We have so many plans for the world!"
yep. just waiting for the next Kent State. humans never learn shit. and americans are the worst.