by Noah
Just imagine that half of the country thinks you can erase whole groups of people just by eliminating discussion of them or even denying their existence. Sadly, we don't have to imagine it. We can see it. We all know that Republicans want to turn the clock back to the 1800s but the horses left the barns long ago and while there still may be a number of Lindsey Grahams and self-hating Tim Scotts around, there are far more people who have been enjoying the freedom of being who they were born to be. The war over this will continue. It will have its needless terrible costs. There will always be at least one ugly step backwards to combat any steps forward, but the end result is inevitable. Long term, the cumulative, ever increasing demographics or various "others" are not in favor of the oppressors.
The sight you see above is happening across the country right now. It's not just a physical manifestation of Republicans currently reveling in the permission and encouragement to hate "others" that's being granted by their Dear Leader. It's a frenzied reflection of the Republican Party platform as advertised during the 2024 campaign and really for decades leading up to that.
What you see above is not just happening at Quantico but throughout U.S. government installations. It's happening in government offices and departments. It's happening on our military bases where pictures of proudly serving black, brown, and LGBTQ+ people and those who support them are being pulled down from the walls. Wherever Republicans are in charge of local school boards they will move to do the same. Growing numbers of teachers will be deemed suspect and fired. The GOP's Dear Leader would even like to proclaim an end to this month being Black History Month. He would like to proclaim an end to the recognition of Martin Luther King Day. Has he proclaimed an end to Juneteenth celebrations? He knows what his party voted for and who they are. They "don't want no stinking civil rights." Like any politician, Trump is channelling the desires of his voters. There will be violence directed at people who will never deserve it and it will be inflicted verbally and physically by people who have no real right to even call themselves human beings or even exist. This was officially decided on 11/5/24 but getting people to change who they were born to be is not achieved by a few coats of paint. We know what the Nazis of the past did. I've talked about that since the Nixon days. The questions now are how many good, innocent people will suffer and/or die at the hands of today's Nazis and how many years will it take before this shit stops. How ironic that Republicans are now feeling so free to be themselves but is that how fwere born to be? No, they actually had a choice.
Interesting comment from a guy with an extra bad case of narcissistic personality disorder below. Noah made reference to a big reason he gets censored a few days ago and, as if to show us his disorder which we can see him exhibit every day, the commenter still didn't get it. It went right past him.
The nazis are erasing diversity the same way DWT is erasing the truth AND for the same reason... so your audience remains stupid. does that shit sandwich taste good?