Your Saturday Cartoon

by Noah
I've never heard of any Republican anywhere actually saying what the moron on the left of the above cartoon says. They may be warped and delusional enough to think Trump cares about the country but they'll never say or admit that he's crazy since, if they did, they might be seen as copping to their own insanity.
What I do hear, and what I've been hearing typical Republican asswipes say for years is, "He speaks his mind!" I also hear that some Republicans in Congress "don't like Trump" but I don't ever see one iota of evidence of that. It's bullshit and we all know that bullshit is something Washington strives to lead the world in; no, make that the known universe. In any event, like Republican voters, only their actions matter and we have a complete record of their lack of actions and their enabling of their Dear Leader. They love him or he would not be where he is today.