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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Another Republican Case Of Do As I Do Not As I Say!

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

The Republican Fever Dream

by Noah

Of course, any Republican will look at that above statement from their Dear Orange Menace To Society and offer a simple solution: 

Just burn up the Constitution! Problem solved! We don't need no stinking laws! No ATF. No FBI. No DOJ. No justice system at all! With our boy Trump, we can all shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue, or anywhere else, anytime. Let Orange Jaysus lead the way!! Freedom!!! Liberties!!!!

Mostly whites only, of course. I can see them in their "Unified Reich Guy" hats and t-shirts. You know those are coming. Forget the Proud Boys. That was so 2020. See them all at this summer's Republican Con-vention. They'll be chanting "Reich! Reich! Reich! Trump! Trump! Trump!" Stomping their tiki torches on the floor. Red & Black balloons with Trump T logos that look like swastikas pouring down from the rafters. T-shirt cannons. Even more Gold statues of Traitor Don! How very Nuremberg of them. 

What? You don't like this future? Hell, the guy in the above meme sounds exactly like any Republican member of Congress now. C'mon people! Trump's really a swell guy! Be generous of spirit! Look at it this way: How could a guy who stole money from a children's cancer charity be all bad? No more contraception! A national abortion ban! More Alitos! Make America Lord Of The Flies!!! Main Street firing ranges right in the street!!!! 


1 Comment

Jun 07, 2024

Valid. So... if you don't want this future (it's actually our present), fix it. biden and democraps (nothing will fundamentally change) ain't fixing shit.

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