by Noah
I was going to post about wannabe dictator Elon Musk again today. I'd already made the meme but haven't written it up. But, that can wait. Besides, I got hit hard by COVID on Friday morning and since the official election day is upon us I decided to opt for something even more timely, ie. the above meme that amounts to what I've seen every time I've seen a Republican lawn sign since the Goldwater campaign of 1964. To my mind, Eisenhower was the last Republican that wasn't a Nazi, Nazi sympathizer, or (same thing) Nazi enabler. I chalk a lot of what kept Eisenhower from being a nazi up to the fact that he had seen, first hand, what nazis will do when given the chance.
I remember back in 1964, when our next door neighbor gave my mom a copy of Goldwater's The Conscience Of A Conservative book. She got about 20 pages into it, I got 10 or 12 and that was it. In the trash. Done. I was never going to be a conservative. "Conscience" and "Conservative" were never going to fit together, least of all in my mind. The Nazi thing? Nixon made extra sure of that 4 years later.
My mom's family had always been die-hard FDR people and I guess I inherited the gene. Funny thing is, I always felt that my parents were too conservative but that was just compared to me. Anyway, I've always heard the stories about how my mom's dad proudly kept an FDR lawn sign in front of the house year round. He had some big faults but he was no Nazi. Nope. No GOP for him! Oh and the guy who gave my mom Goldwater's book had thought it strange that my parents didn't object to my summer camp counselor being a black guy and didn't hesitate to tell them so. Yep, the neighbors were Republicans through and through.
Anyway, here we are. You could add much more to the sign but, yeah, the above does amount to being a Republican yard sign. I even did them a favor and brought it up to date by going back 2 more decades. It's who they are. I always think about what Winston Churchill said about Americans always trying everything else before they do the right thing and I don't expect that to change in my lifetime. Go ahead. Surprise me.
good observation about DDE. He saw what nazis were up close. He saw what happened when naziism becomes the absolute power (concentration camps) because society doesn't stop it.
I always wondered why he WAS a republican. After all, his party and even more obviously his veep was a nazi at heart. Did he mindlessly stay in a party his parents were in, like probably 99% of americans even today? Did he even think about it? I mean, clearly, that 99% today never do.
As far as I can tell, his only spasm of rationality was his CMIC speech. But that would seem to be a self-indictment, since he was talking about his own party... at that time. Today, it's bo…