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California's New Congressional Districts-- Big Loser: Nunes, Who'll Only Survive In A Red Wave Year

Writer's picture: Howie KleinHowie Klein

California's independent-- as in nonpartisan-- redistricting commission has been releasing myriad "visualizations" of the new districts for weeks that didn't amount to a hill of beans. Yesterday they released something more official and that supposedly does amount to a hill of beans, although the final, final map won't be ready 'til mid-December. identified some problems in the new one. For example, Long Beach is now split in two and Fresno is split in 3. There are currently 53 seats in California-- going down to 52-- with 11 Republicans and 42 Democrats. The latest map shows 39 blue seats, 7 red ones and 6 swing districts. Let's go through all 52 proposed seats.

  • CA-01-- Doug LaMalfa (R)- was R+21; will be R+24

  • CA-02-- Jared Huffman (D)- was D+45; will be D+45

  • CA-03 (formerly CA-05)-- Mike Thomson (Blue Dog)- was D+43; will be D+31

  • CA-04-- Tom McClintock (R)- was R+15; will be R+11

  • CA-05 (formerly CA-03)-- John Garamendi (D)- was D+9; will be D+51 [SCORE!]

  • CA-06-- (formerly CA-07)- Ami Bera (New Dem) was D+9; will be D+32 [SCORE!]

  • CA-07-- (formerly CA-06)- Doris Matsui (D) was D+40; will be D+16

  • CA-08-- Jay Obernolte (R)- was R+16; will be R+16

  • CA-09-- Jerry McNerney (D)- was D+14; will be D+12

  • CA-10-- new district (part of old CA-08 & CA-04)- R+15

  • CA-11-- Mark DeSaulnier (D)- was D+46; will be D+33

  • CA-12-- Nancy Pelosi (D)- was D+71; will be D+71

  • CA-13-- Barbara Lee (D)- was D+76; will be D+76

  • CA-14-- Jackie Speier (D)- was D+54; will be D+53

  • CA-15-- Eric Swalwell (D)- was D+41; will be D+42

  • CA-16-- Josh Harder (New Dem)/Jim Costa (Blue Dog)- was R+1/D+17; will be D+11

  • CA-17-- Ro Khanna (D)- was D+45; will be D+47

  • CA-18-- Anna Eshoo (D)- was D+51; will be D+51

  • CA-19-- Zoe Lofgren (D)- was D+41; will be D+37

  • CA-20-- Jimmy Panetta (New Dem)- was D+44; will be D+37

  • CA-21-- David Valadao (R)- was D+9; will be D+3

  • CA-22-- Devin Nunes (R)- was R+11; will be D+5

  • CA-23-- Kevin McCarthy (R)- was R+22; will be R+24

  • CA-24-- Salud Carbajal (New Dem)- was D+19; will be D+24

  • CA-25-- Mike Garcia (R)- was D+5; will be D+8

  • CA-26-- Julia Brownley (New Dem)- was D+20; will be D+24

  • CA-27-- Judy Chu (D)- was D+33; will be D+24

  • CA-28-- Adam Schiff (New Dem)- was D+42; will be D+48

  • CA-29-- Tony Cardenas (New Dem)- was D+50; will be D+46

  • CA-30-- Brad Sherman (D)- was D+37; will be D+39

  • CA-31-- Pete Aguilar (New Dem/coke freak)- was D+16; will be D+23

  • CA-32-- Grace Napolitano (D)/retiring- was D+31; will be D+39

  • CA-33-- Ted Lieu (D)- was D+37; will be D+37

  • CA-34-- Jimmy Gomez (D)- was D+63; will be D+64

  • CA-35-- Nora Torres (New Dem)- was D+31; will be D+27

  • CA-36-- Raul Ruiz (New Dem)- was D+8; will be D+12

  • CA-37-- Karen Bass (D)/retiring- was D+68; will be D+70

  • CA-38-- Linda Sanchez (D)- was D+32; will be D+28

  • CA-39-- Young Kim (R)- was D+6; will be D+5

  • CA-40-- Lucille Roybal-Allard D (retiring)/Nanette Barragan- was D+57/59; will be D+51

  • CA-41-- Mark Takano (D)- was D+22; will be D+23

  • CA-42-- Ken Calvert (R)- was R+13; will be R+5

  • CA-43-- Maxine Waters (D)- was D+54; will be D+69

  • CA-44-- (formerly CA-45)- Katie Porter (D)- was D+6; will be R+2

  • CA-45-- (formerly CA-46)- Lou Correa (Blue Dog)- was D+29; will be D+29

  • CA-46-- (formerly CA-47) Alan Lowenthal (D)- was D+25; will be D+38

  • CA-47-- (formerly CA-48) Michelle Steel (R)- was R+2; will be D+4

  • CA-48-- (formerly CA-49) Mike Levin (D)- was D+7; will be D+3

  • CA-49-- (formerly CA-50) Darrell Issa (R)- was R+14; will be R+6

  • CA-50-- (formerly CA-51) Juan Vargas (New Dem)- was D+36; will be D+34

  • CA-51-- (formerly CA-52) Scott Peters (New Dem)- was D+23; will be D+35

  • CA-52-- (formerly CA-53) Sara Jacobs (New Dem)- was D+32; will be D+2

Oh my God. That took something like 3 hours-- and is anyone even interested aside from the candidates and their staffs? As you can see, the biggest losers (from safe to endangered) are Devin Nunes (R), Mike Garcia (R), Katie Porter (D), Michelle Steel (R), Sara Jacobs (D) and Darrell Issa (R). Jim Costa and Josh Harder two conservative Democrats got thrown into the same district; Costa's much worse but Harder is pretty shitty. Also Nanette Barragan is in the same district as Lucille Roybal-Allard who is probably retiring. Also you can probably see that the clock is ticking for Ken Calvert and if a good candidate ever runs again him-- the DCCC will make sure that doesn't happen any time soon-- he's cooked.

And, like I said, this isn't the final, final map-- which will come next month, after public comments. I suspect Nunes and his team will be the most vocal commenters.

תגובה אחת

12 בנוב׳ 2021

looks like Katie Porter is their victim. I wonder why.

And if you were looking for a red wave year OR anti-blue wave (same diff), watch 2022 very closely. you'll see one.

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