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Señor Trumpanzee to Schools: Protect Rapists, Abandon Survivors

Writer's picture: Howie KleinHowie Klein

More On The GOP War Against The LGBTQ+ Community

Nancy Ohanian captures Trump's war against America
Nancy Ohanian captures Trump's war against America

Joey McFadden’s Daily Beast piece, Trump Orders Schools to Ease Sexual Misconduct Rules is a prime example of how Trump’s authoritarian instincts and lifelong misogyny intersect to roll back protections for the most vulnerable while pretending to champion “fairness.” Señor T has a well-documented history of dismissing sexual misconduct allegations against himself and others in his orbit. Now, he’s institutionalizing that attitude by making it harder for survivors of assault to come forward and receive justice. His Title IX rollback prioritizes protecting accused abusers over the safety of students. His executive order not only rolls back protections for survivors of sexual assault but also strips away rights from LGBTQ+ students; it demands unwavering condemnation.

Basically, the directive mandates that educational institutions that accept federal money revert to the draconian Title IX policies of his first term. These policies notoriously narrowed the definition of sexual harassment and imposed stringent requirements on survivors seeking justice, including live hearings and cross-examinations that often retraumatize victims. By reinstating these barriers, Trump is effectively silencing survivors and emboldening perpetrators. Moreover, this order callously revokes protections for LGBTQ+ students, particularly transgender individuals (the GOP’s designated “other” of the decade). By erasing recognition of gender identity, Trump is denying these students the basic dignity and respect they need, exposing them to increased discrimination and harm— a direct attack on the humanity of LGBTQ+ youth. 

And then, of course, we have the authoritarian nature of this decree. He sent a letter to educational institutions stating that “the president’s interpretation of the law governs because he alone controls and supervises subordinate officers” in the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, which enforces the rules. This assertion that his interpretation of the law is supreme, bypassing established regulatory processes is another blatant power grab that undermines democratic principles and will wind up in the courts. He’s laying the groundwork for an imperial presidency where his whims replace legal norms and this is a chilling reminder of his eagerness to dismantle institutional checks and balances to impose his regressive agenda. It’s part of a broader, sinister campaign to dismantle civil rights protections across the board. From attacking diversity and inclusion initiatives to censoring discussions on gender identity, his regime is systematically erasing decades of progress in the fight for equality. 

As Michael Tomasky wrote on Friday, we’ve now learned the 3 principles of trumpism, and they’re ugly. These are the MAGA 2.0 guiding principles he identified:

1. There is no such thing as settled law. There is law Trump and the broader right accept, and law that they don’t accept, and everything in the latter category will be relentlessly challenged.

2. There is no such thing as independence within the government. There is only loyalty to Trump and the cause.

3. Diversity is poison. It’s the job of the federal government not merely to arrest its progress where it is but to push it back, aggressively.

“Principle three,” he wrote, “is more ideologically aggressive than the first two, because diversity has become so embroidered into so many aspects of American life and culture, accepted even by many facially conservative institutions, such as large corporations… [A] broad consensus exists that diversity is a good thing that has enriched society. Trump is moving with gobsmacking speed against this consensus on many fronts. His statement that DEI was basically to blame for the Washington, D.C., plane crash was, of course, intentional; no doubt uttered to push this idea into the media maw so that it got talked about and argued over at the expense of conversations about the fact that he dismissed that aviation safety board or that Elon Musk bullied the holdover Federal Aviation Administration head out the door. Mainly, however, he wanted to get more Americans to start thinking in the MAGA way: that any instance of sloppiness, inefficiency, or incompetence can be laid at the feet of liberal diversity initiatives. Oh, and by the way— the kinds of diversity initiatives that he railed against Thursday for weakening the FAA? They were put in place 2019, under President Trump. The assault is multipronged. If you haven’t, for example, read the language of the executive order banning transgender people from enlisting in the armed services, you should do so. It basically says that these Americans, who have volunteered to risk their lives if necessary for their country, are inherently incapable of loyal service: ‘Adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life. A man’s assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.’”

3 bình luận

03 thg 2

If you are my age, you remember the herculean efforts (props to MLK who shouldered the biggest burden during this -- keeping the peace) and decades it took to even get VRA and CRA.

If you have this perspective, you should be absolutely blown away at the warp speed at which it has all gone poof... to the sound of crickets from the progeny of all those who did the work. That goes for all progress for women, lgbtqs, minorities, the disabled, the elderly, kids and the poor. DECADES of working against these nazis... and it all goes poof above the endorsement of that fat fuck.

To the continued sound of crickets. THAT is the most depressing thing of all…


03 thg 2

BUT we have the political equivalent of Aaron Judge on the case:

Speaking to reporters Friday, the Brooklynite invoked Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge to defend his strategy, arguing it is better for Democrats to pick and choose their fights and focus on a clear message.

“One of the reasons that [Judge is] a great hitter is that he does not swing at every pitch. He waits for the right one and then he swings,” he said. “We're not going to swing at every pitch. We're going to swing at the ones that matter for the American people.”

Jeffries is already back in the dugout after whiffing without having his bat ever leave his shoulder. He and Schumer view th…

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03 thg 2
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"...We're going to swing at the ones that matter for the American people.”

Already a proven lie. If you believe this liar, the ghastly consequences are on YOU!!!

And, again, Mr. Toomey can certainly spot the truth. But it is absolutely meaningless unless he and everyone ACTS based on the truth. Bitching, even out loud, won't do shit.

There has to be ACTION.

Yet I can't help but remember that if this obvious advice had been followed since 1968 (especially after 1980!), we would not now be in this ghastly shithole.

It takes a LOT of doing nothing to go from the momentum of VRA and CRA to nixon, reagan, hw, w/cheney and trump TWICE!!! Not to mention all th…

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