Musk Is All About Packing The Mud!

by Noah
Lost for some people in both the important and not quite as important news centered around the Los Angeles fires was that President Elon Musk had a solution to the problem of houses burning down in wildfires and tornados. The Musk solution topped even his First Lady's "rake the leaves" solution! No, he didn't offer to put his considerable megamaga financial resources or even influence behind legislation and efforts to slow climate change. He didn't even write a check for the victims, say $100 Billion, an amount he'd never miss and could make back in 2 months. Nope, not even a dime. Instead, somewhat inspired by his First Lady, he offered what you see above, mud packing and wet sand. And he didn't even offer to buy some sandbags.
Meanwhile, his First Lady and other typical Republicans were going on and on about there not being enough water to fight the fires because Governor Newsom wouldn't turn on the big imaginary faucet that would fill the reservoirs. Guess what, the reservoirs were already full! By its standards, California had a decent year for rain and mountain snow melt. The problem was two fold. One: You can't put firefighting copters in the air to dump water and/or fire retardant chemicals in hurricane winds up to 100 mph. Fire fighting planes can do a little better but flying a fully loaded plane in hurricane velocity wind is highly dangerous even when you can get it off the ground, so efforts intermittently hampered. It's the wind, stupid! (Canada, by the way, sent planes down to LA to help. Why they haven't broken off relations with us at this point is serving as a good measure of their character as a country.) Two: the pressure at the hydrants being too low due to the sudden simultaneous strain being put on the whole system. The ol' infrastructure thingie! That could have been ameliorated a bit but money for that idea was diverted to increase funding for the LAPD. Damn, Republicans would have gone bonkers if that money hadn't gone to the police so, here's a thought: How about a few of the billionaire, soon to be trillionaire class like Musk, Bezos, Cook, and The Mercers, et. al. kick in a few billion to solve the problem and then shut the fuck up?
Oh, and now a word or two about two more of America's worst nutjobs, crackpot "actor" James Woods and certifiable sociopath Alex Jones. They don't blame the wind but to Woods, the disaster is somehow in his illogical pea brain due to "liberal wokeness" and, according to Jones, the fires are all a conspiracy dreamed up by Democrats to end America. Cue up his latest ads to sell his so-called survival food packs and go-bags. Whatever. Fuck that guy with a jackhammer every hour all day every day for a year, or two, or 20. Next crazy from the clown bus, please! What monsters birthed such people?