Sunday Thoughts: And, Boy, Do They Jump Right In!

by Noah
When President Jimmy Carter passed away last week, the first reaction I saw from the alternate reality of Republican World was when Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent a message of condolence to Carter's wife Rosalynn; never mind that she'd been dead for over a year. Well, whataya gonna do? I give Abbott credit for sending condolences but, yeah, what a moron! No surprise there. Greg Abbott was just, once again, showing what a perfect match for Texas he is. The place is alien, in a bad, bad way. And let's never forget that Abbott is the psycho who lines the Rio Grande with razor wire to watch the blood.
Ah, but it's the reactions since then. Republican social media denizens have spent the past week telling eavesdroppers like me that they hope Joe Biden joins Carter soon, saying things like:
Jimmy Carter dead at 100. Going to heaven knowing he wasn't the WORST Prez.
The clown that said that wants us to know that, in his viewpoint, Joe Biden is the worst president but he at least gives Carter credit for being worthy of a pass through the pearly gates. He then goes on to bitch about FDR and Obama. He continues by re-focusing on Biden who he refers to as Bidet who he seems to think will burn in Hell for an eternity. Clever lad, no? Yes, no.
There's a lot of this kind of reaction from conservatives going around. How 'bout this. More Biden hate wrapped in a comment about Carter. It's a pretty typically disjointed sample of the insanity:
Thankfully, the last four years will be just a dream. Keep the pardons coming. Mummy. Walking meatloaf. You have a date with Beelzebub. And if you thought your lifespan was long (Carter made it to 100) just think about eternity. You can't take it with you. And neither will your shrewish, sick wife or your idiot bastard son. Rot.
Bastard son? No, bozo, He wasn't a bastard but his mother, Joe Biden's first wife was killed in a horrible car crash along with his son's sister. Yeah, I know, why would any republican sociopath in good standing with the party care about that?
There's a ton of this crap out there but you get the sordid picture so I'll stop there. We know what they're all about.
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