Howie Klein

Feb 14, 20231 min

Special Valentine's Midday Meme Of The Day! The GOP Gets A Valentine, Sort Of

by Noah

Courtesy of the wonderful Women's March folks who have organized several massive turnouts in the streets of American cities to protest the evil of the GOP Domestic Terrorist Party, we at DownWithTyranny wanted to pass the very special Valentine's Day Card they sent to the nazi knuckle draggers of the GOP on to you. Perhaps you might want to send it to some republican miscreant, traitor, and domestic terror fan in your neighborhood. The Women's March Valentine's card arrived in my mailbox yesterday as they sought co-signers and donations to their cause. It read as follows:

Dear GOP, We saw you plan to pass the strongest anti-abortion legislation possible this year, so we assumed you're struggling to find a valentine. (People just feel so disrespected and unloved when you violate their human rights!) So here's a special card with a message just for you! Look, who can blame us for being angry, or, as you might say, hysterical? You've told us outright that ending our bodily autonomy is your party's key goal for 2024 and beyond. You put our lives on the line for your political agenda. And all we got you in return? An e-card. Harsh, we know!

Maybe not harsh enough, but what could be?
