
Jul 24, 20232 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Yes, The GOP and Nashville Have A New #1 Nazi Hero!

by Noah

"You cross that line, it won’t take long for you to find out, I recommend you don’t try that in a small town."

-Trumpnut country singer Jason Aldean

Sounds like a real Mr. Tough Guy, don't he?

So, there he is, a Trump Nazi named Jason Aldean, being suitably mocked in tonight's meme above, currently has the number one song on the country music charts. Should we really be surprised? And should we be surprised that Aldean and his record company (Broken Bow Records, a division of Capitol Records Nasville) are using a non too subliminal attempt to promote lynching in the video being used to promote the song? Yeah, OK, unless you're a complete moron. There's nothing subliminal or subtle about the video for "Try That In A Small Town." After all, it was filmed at the sight of a famous small town 1927 lynching. Talk about sending a message to your fellow Trump fans! Yeah, we get it, Jason. We get it, Capitol. Maybe "I Grew Up With A Small Mind" would have been more honest.

Look, I don't want to come down unjustly hard on Nashville. I've done a lot of work there and I can attest to the fact that there are some good people there, even if it is a small percentage. There's even a Music Business Democrats Club, sort of a support group. Last I heard, it has less than a dozen members. I've also personally witnessed some ugly racism being directed at people of color there. Let's just say that they don't exactly welcome people of color there, even when they're working for the same corporation but hail from an office in a more cosmopolitan and diverse city. It's a thing. Unfortunately, Nashville is in Tennessee, the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan and that aspect of Tennessee, as evidenced by the recent well publicized deeds of the white supremacist state legislature that Tennesseans willfully voted for, hasn't changed as much over the decades as they'd like you to believe.

By the way, Jason Aldean was raised in Macon, Georgia, hardly a small town, so his song is more than a little disingenuous. Maybe, just maybe, Aldean is a phony. He sings about respecting police yet he and his wife adore the Orange Menace To Society who sent a cop killing mob of fellow red-hatted thugs into the Capitol Building to overthrow the government, kill cops, taser them with their own tasers, bear spray them, and stab them with sharpened flagpoles carrying American flags. Yeah, maybe Aldean is quite the phony. Oh, but he sure gets mad about people protesting the cops who kill innocent black people and are so proud of it they often do it snuff film style for the cameras. Gee, this Aldean cretin sounds like a swell guy. He's a huge star, too. Says alot about his fans and the people who market him to the Nazi masses.

