
Mar 112 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! When Being Creepy As Hell Defines The GOP!

by Noah

The creepy factor goes way back with Republicans. I mean, do you really think Richard Milhouse Nixon was normal in that regard? Lindsey Graham? Raphael "Ted" Cruz? Boebert giving hand jobs in front of kids, her hubby exposing himself to teens at the bowling alley? Marjorie Traitor Greene and her feet? Matt Gaetz? Chuck Grassley? Need I go on? Ron DeSantis? Where do Republicans get these people? Obviously, there's something innately wacko in the conservative mindset that draws these people in but every time you think the GOP freakshow has gone as far into the twilight zone as it can go they go even further. Each new generation comes along and vows to top the previous one. And they do. It's the one promise they're always guaranteed to keep!

So now it's Alabama's Katie Britt. She was so highly regarded in Republican circles that they gave her the job of replying to President Biden's State Of The Union speech this past Thursday. She's reportedly even on their Dear Leader's ketchup-stained shortlist for his VP slot! Perfect choice! I guess they feel Putin's Churchlady, Speaker Moscow Mike Johnson, is too valuable as leader of the House. Just think, if Talibama didn't have Katie Britt and Tommy Tubervile as its Senators, they'd have eagerly offerred up that Judge Roy Moore guy, the guy who liked to take little girls to his cabin in the woods or/and whatever. Ah, but Roy's career seemed to peter out and being the head of the state's Supreme Court of Pervert Clowns was as far as he got. Still, I suppose the state will always, until proven otherwise, carry a torch for any one of the three.


But Britt! Now there's the latest in Republican sociopathy! Who smiles when talking about things like sex trafficking and rape? Or, for that matter, mothers laying awake fearfully in the wee hours of the morning. Well, I'll just say I guess the RNC goons thought Britt was the perfect chosen one! Who better to represent them, and represent them, she did!! And does. A person who can smile, grimace, smile again, then fake fight to barely hold back fake sobs and tears all in just four seconds is not well. And that rapid eye blinking thing! And those strange hand motions! Trust me, I don't need a body language expert on this case! Someone should take a look in her basement or crawl space, asap! I don't know for sure, but what I saw smacks of Tony Perkins talking about c c c c cutlery or maybe Jeffrey Dahmer's house filing system. She was in her kitchen, you know.

Parting Shot: Even a week ago, I was willing to cut Alabama at least a little slack. But, not anymore. That's it. Talibama. I'm done with them. It's up to them to change their image at the voting box. Any bets? Ya feel lucky? Well, do ya?
