Howie Klein

Jun 1, 20232 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! What Was Trump Snorting When He Tweeted This?

by Noah

There it is. The Memorial Day message from the idol of the 74 Million! A raging wimp of a man with fake bone spurs and a very real psychosis. The man who also labels those who died in battle as "suckers and losers." Thank you Elon Musk for making your pal's message available to us all! Oh, yeah, thank you soooo much!

What was he snorting? Actually, it doesn't matter. My experience with people that get all revved up on whatever peppy dust they snort is that it just brings out the real crazy that's already there. So, with that in mind, maybe there's a little side benefit of Trump's obvious substance abuse in that we get to see a better picture of what lurks behind the pasty freakish orange mask of whatever it is that he trowels onto his demented face every day. It's so easy now to picture him holed up in his Flor-i-duh hacienda office with a hose up his nose. Scarface Redux.

The tragic and dumbest thing is that the whole damn country could tell Trump was on something as he sniffed his way through the very first 2016 debate and almost 63 Million thought that was just peachy and voted for him anyway. Shared psychosis, perhaps? Then they doubled down to the tune of 74 Million and voted for him again. And, will happily do so in 2024, too. Most of them will do it even if he's dead if only because they won't believe he's dead and will wait forever in vain for him to magically appear with JFK, Jr., RFK, Jr. or headless JFK himself. Some sort of perverse rapture, I guess. Will the 74 Million or more repugs be snorting something, too? Hell, why do you even think they'd need to?

Oh, well. go back and Traitor Don's tweet again, a second time, and realize that he's kind of defining the whole damn Republican Party. Funny how it works when you have no filters.
