
Mar 181 min

Midnight meme Of The Day! Traitor Trump Sez: "Psst, Wanna Buy A Flag?"

by Noah

Wow! What a perfect end to last week!!! On Friday night, me and who knows how many millions of people got this grifty email offer to buy an American flag personally soiled by The Orange Menace To Society, aka Traitor Don, aka The Diaper Don himself. Damn! And some people out there thought they got something real special when he went and  autographed their family bible after their god huffed and puffed and blew down their homes! Well, come to think of it, maybe they actually did get something! One, there's money to be made selling the autographs of scoundrels, two, because he autographed the bibles for free, and, three, because, in order to have a chance at getting this spiffy flag that the former guy wiped his nose with, you have to send him a minimum donation of $20.24, or, $47.00 (for 47th Administration) if you think this deranged blob of orange puss in a rubber suit is "The greatest president of all time." He even calls the above flag photo "Iconic!" How's that for delusions of grandeur! Or, is it just some really sick attempt at compensation for his deep seated feelings of total inadequacy; feelings no doubt shared by everyone who ever voted for him, no matter how much they prefer to think they're better than everyone else.  
