
Jul 4, 20211 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! They Will Not Stop

by Noah

The English Union Jack of our 18th century oppressors, the Stars and Bars of the traitorous Confederacy, the flags of the Axis Powers, and the MAGA flag of those who spiritually side with all of them. We can celebrate the defeat of all of them today but many do not. Many of these flags are still displayed on the porches, lawns, and cars of our neighbors just like there were English loyalists living in our communities in the days of the Revolution. Only a few months ago, we saw some of these flags carried right into our nation's Capitol Building with the encouragement of subversive, treasonous politicians who dedicate themselves to the destruction of American ideals and what our American Stars and Stripes is supposed to stand for. The American Stars and Stripes itself was grotesquely used as a weapon to severely beat police and others who were defending our democracy. It was regarded as no more than a club, a mace, or a spear by Republican savages.

A Happy Fourth Of July to America, but be aware that the Republican Party is already marketing and selling a 2024 version of that Nazi Trump flag. For them, 1/6 was a dress rehearsal. They will go as far as we let them. From Trump, McConnell, and McCarthy on down, they will not stop.
