
Nov 4, 20223 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Rich Are Taking A Battleaxe To Us All

by Noah

Just like Medieval times! Oh joy! Psychopaths are seizing more and more power. Elon "Lex Luthor" Musk is proof of that and more. Too much money will make you just as crazy as syphilis will and Musk is demonstrating his insanity so intensely and so publicly that we should assume he has both. He's brutalizing everyone at twitter and using it to spread his fave QAnon conspiracies, all with the massive approval of the death wish red hat types. Wait 'til Musk starts trying to buy Saudi Arabia and have people around the entire world beheaded with a diamond bonesaw.

As you know, I love to include pop culture references in my posts and that includes the evil doers in our comics so why not America's newest 4-letter word as Lex Luthor? Goonish nazi snowflakes can say I'm demonizing someone but I consider it reporting or telling it like I see it, ie. like it is. GOP goons are using comic book demons and villains and their deeds not just as entertainment but as role models and templates, a party platform, if you will. When we see and hear republicans pushing every kind of human misery known to humankind and repeatedly laughing and joking about one of their own (an illegal white immigrant from Canada, by the way) bashing in the head of an elderly man in his own home at 2:30 in the morning, the case is closed. This is what these sewer rats are and have always been. It's just Republican policy now to let it all hang out, after all, no Batman or Justice League Of America has ever stopped them or even substantially ridicule them. Republican politicians and their media freaks have and will continue to embolden and encourage this and worse is coming. It's the kind of thing that people like Trump, Moscow Mitch, Kremlin Kevin, and Tucker Tiki Torch et al. call their pleasant dreams.

Musk, the latest Lex Luther is the richest, too. Soon, he will be the first trillionaire, largely enabled by the Trump/Ryan tax scam of 2017. Never forget the evil of Paul Ryan. Remember all those smug smiling Repugs when their boy Trump signed their scam into law? That was quite a "What could go wrong" moment. As his tentacles grow, Musk will eat them alive too, along with the rest of us. Personally, I'll take some minor solace in watching goons like Trump and McConnell seethe in resentment and jealousy when Musk totally forgets he ever knew them, if he hasn't already. What can stop Musk? How about, at just the right moment, someone close enough to him convinces him that "Now's the time to get in your little rocket ship and fly all the way to Mars." The way he's going he'll soon be crazy and untethered enough to try it, run out of fuel, and drift in space for eternity, unless a Tesla-size wayward asteroid has another plan. Or, maybe Trump, just as unglued himself, can challenge Musk to a duel.

Musk won't be that last one of his kind, though. Our Domestic Terror Party already has plans to create more crazies just like him with still more tax cuts. Clearly, we are a country that wants to commit suicide. Maybe a bigger asteroid will beat us to it.


Extra! Extra! How about a bonus thought for today-

As you head out for your local polling place, consider this look into the dark insanity of the Republican Mind: In most red hat nut states, it's illegal to give a cup or bottle of water to a voter who's waiting in line to vote, BUT, it's perfectly OK for armed, masked incels to threaten people who just want to vote. What could go wrong, indeed?
