
Jun 15, 20233 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Putin Drinks A Grateful Toast To The Republican Party!

by Noah

Benedict Arnold, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Mar-a-Lago. In a way, ya gotta hand it to Vladimir Putin. By helping elect Traitor Don Trump in 2016, he pulled off one of the most successful and heinous foreign operations against America in our entire history. And he did it all with the aid of willing, American-based cash-greedy social media outlets, a consortium of Tokyo Rose-style Talk Radio sociopaths, Goebbels influenced Nazi propaganda outfits such as FOX, AON, Newsmax, WND, Sinclair Broadcast Group and a complacent and compliant FCC, plus bags and bags of Russian cash laundered through the NRA and handed out to the grubby paws of Republican politicians in, perhaps, the biggest "Treason For Pay" scheme the world has ever seen.

So, here we are now. The meek and timid Dems didn't have the votes to remove Traitor Don. Led by Moscow Mitch McConnell, the Nazis were never going to. Then their Dear Leader Trump failed to steal the 2020 election even with their help so he stole our most sensitive secrets instead. That's squarely on their heads. They knew what Trump was, ergo, their wishes were the same.

Do you ever wonder how many of our good American agents have been captured or killed in acquiring the information held in those boxes in Trump's bathroom and elsewhere on his properties? How many of our foreign informants have now been tracked down and disappeared? We already know that an unusual number already have. And, why would any of our allies trust us again? This is the person the Republican Party wants to elect again. I know this because I still get their emails. You know this because you can see the endless parade of Republican Traitors like Lindsey Graham and Kremlin Kevin defend him on your TV screens. Or, you can read the calls for violence, sometimes coded, sometimes not, in the tweets of cretins like Rep. Clay Higgins, Rep. Andy Biggs, Kari Lake and all too many more.

What to do about Traitor Don now? My opinion has not changed. You can think about Donlad Trump like this: The Rosenbergs got executed for less. As recently as the 1950s, that's what we did with traitors and spies. And, no, I do not want to see Trump flown out to some neutral ground and exchanged for even a hundred of our patriots. I'm confident they would all understand. My attitude also goes for every single one of the Putin/Trump accomplices in both houses of the U.S. Congress (Hawley, Cruz, Traitor-Greene, McConnell, et. al.), his media fluffers like Sean Hannity, "Ilsa" Ingraham, and Russian State TV goon Tucker Carlsonovavich and the rest. If there was a national lottery and the prize was who gets to throw the switch or be in the firing squad, I would happily buy a thousand tickets.

A last thought for today on so-called Republican loyalty: It doesn't exist. Over 60,000,000 of them saw what Trump was and voted for him in 2016. In 2020, they even doubled down to the tune of 74,000,000. Now, we have the detailed 49 page indictment and they still love him and want to vote for him a third time! Reality Winner got 5 years for one document and Trump gets a second term in the White House as President For Life? That's Republican insanity for you. The rest of us?
