
Jul 23, 20231 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Jesus Doesn't Save, He Grooms?

by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

I remember that in both colleges and corporations, it was the fratboy types who were always the most homophobic and talked about beating up on gay people or way too excessively sought to convince everyone how flaming hetero they were; usually both in fact. Now, we can see the Republican Party is chock full of the very same kind to the point of it being a preferred qualification to join the party. In fact, from Ron "Don't Say Gay" DeSantis in the wasteland of Flor-i-duh to Mike Huckabbee, Tucker Tiki Torch and through the entire Republican half of Congress, the signs of doubt and burning self-repression these sicko closet cases are exhibiting are obviously causing a ton of internal strife that's always getting dumped on the rest of us gay, straight, or anywhere in between. Hell, I half expect Gym Shower Jordan and Matt Gaetz to just burst into flames one day on national TV!

Oh and, the next time you drive past Lindsey Graham's house and some lights are flashing frantically, you might ask yourself if he has one of the above in every room. I hope he doesn't sweat too much. He might electrocute himself.
